Caffe to TensorFlow
TensorFlowTransformer will build a Kaffe graph first, from the caffe prototxt.
It has its own node class and graph class
Node: layer type, specification, parameters, parent, children etc.
Graph: how to add node / build graph in topological order
Converting the parameters of all graph nodes into correct format ((c_o, c_i, h, w) -> (h, w, c_i, c_o))
In Numpy format
Write generated Kaffe.tensorflow.Network class code
When doing the inference, Kaffe.tensorflow.Network will converting the Kaffe nodes into tensorflow operators.
Needs updated version caffe model
Needs Kaffe library
Numpy format parameters
Couldn’t deploy
Tensorflow version out-dated
Modified version:
Automatic caffe model updating script
Update tensorflow operators from 0.8.0 -> 1.2.1
Add saving checkpoint and frozen graph options, ez deployment
Last updated