Symbolic Programs Advantages: More Efficient, Reuse Intermediate Memory, Operation Folding

The main reason is efficiency, both in terms of memory and speed. Let’s revisit our toy example from before. Consider the following program:

import numpy as np
a = np.ones(10)
b = np.ones(10) * 2
c = b * a
d = c + 1

Assume that each cell in the array occupies 8 bytes of memory. How much memory do we need to execute this program in the Python console? As an imperative program we need to allocate memory at each line. That leaves us allocating 4 arrays of size 10. So we’ll need 4∗10∗8=3204∗10∗8=320bytes. On the other hand, if we built a computation graph, and knew in advance that we only needed d, we could reuse the memory originally allocated for intermediate values. For example, by performing computations in-place, we might recycle the bits allocated for b to store c. And we might recycle the bits allocated for c to store d. In the end we could cut our memory requirement in half, requiring just 2∗10∗82∗10∗8 = 160 bytes.

Symbolic programs can also perform another kind of optimization, called operation folding. Returning to our toy example, the multiplication and addition operations can be folded into one operation. If the computation runs on a GPU processor, one GPU kernel will be executed, instead of two. In fact, this is one way we hand-craft operations in optimized libraries, such as CXXNet and Caffe. Operation folding improves computation efficiency. Note, you can’t perform operation folding in imperative programs, because the intermediate values might be referenced in the future. Operation folding is possible in symbolic programs because we get the entire computation graph in advance, before actually doing any calculation, giving us a clear specification of which values will be needed and which will not.

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